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George Washington: the most famous Mason?
Freemasonry has had its fair share of famous brothers since its inception in the early eighteenth century. But perhaps the standout figure in the fraternity’s history is the first President of the United States, George Washington. George Washington joined the…
Understanding What Freemasons Believe in
Freemasonry is a way in which men across the world can live their lives to their full potential while following a specific moral code. Today there are more than six million Freemasons worldwide, and the fraternity has grown at an…
Understanding the role that Hiram Abiff plays in Masonic Culture
Anyone that knows anything about Freemasonry is likely to have heard the name Hiram Abiff. He’s a significant figure in the history of the Masons and is widely thought of as the person who inspired the Freemason fraternity into existence…
The Detroit Masonic Temple
The Detroit Masonic Temple is the largest building of its kind in the world and is an iconic structure on Temple Street in Detroit. It is undeniably the center of Freemasonry in the city and attracts a lot of interest…
The Weight of the Masonic Ring
Tһe Masοnic ring is οne οf tһe mοst һigһly valued pieces οf regalia οf Freemasοnry. It’s rumοred tһat sοme Masοns value tһe Masοnic ring abοve tһeir wedding ring, wһicһ understandably dοesn’t gο dοwn well witһ tһeir wives! Wһatever individual significance…
The Masonic Point Within A Circle
The point within a circle is a common and essential element of Masonic symbolism. As with much Masonic symbolism, its exact origin and subsequent journey through history is unknown, but in this post, we’re going to examine its importance to…
What Does So Mote It Be mean?
For those asking what SMIB means , here is an explanation. “So Mote It Be”. How familiar the phrase is. No Lodge is ever opened or closed, in due form, without using it. Yet how few know how old it…
Masonic Symbol Quiz – 20 Questions
This Masonic Symbol Quiz may be used by any member of the fraternity who seeks more light through Masonic education. While it is the duty of the Masonic Master of the Lodge to provide a good and wholesome education to…
17 Must-Read Masonic Books For Freemasons
Locate With hundreds of years of Masonic history recorded and recorded by Brethren long gone (and regrettably forgotten), your typical Masonic reader is spoilt for choice when it comes to Masonic literature. In this article, I’ll be sharing with you…