Are you interested in writing compelling articles about Freemasonry that will be read by thousands every week?
Then we have the perfect opportunity for you.
We’re looking for talented writers who would like to contribute to our site and inform our readers about some of Freemasonry’s most interesting topics.
Our readers are interested in various topics, ranging from the history of Freemasonry right the way through to some of the modern-day practices of Masons in different parts of the world.
If you’re interested in sharing your knowledge of Freemasonry with the world, then read on, as this post tells you how you can contribute to our community.
What are the benefits of writing for Freemasons Community?
If you’re passionate about Freemasonry or are well-read on a particular subject, then we would love to give you the opportunity to publish your work and broadcast it to our vast readership.
Writing for us allows you to share your thoughts about Freemasonry with the world and educate thousands of people about some of the most fascinating elements of our sacred craft.
After publishing your post, it will remain on our blog forever, meaning you can share it widely with all of your contacts and direct them to your published work.
Although we don’t currently offer payments for your posts, your work will be widely recognized and appreciated within our community. It could lead to further writing opportunities within Masonic circles in the future.
We will share your post directly with our thriving Facebook community and credit your authorship. This will give you the opportunity to take pride in your work and engage with those that read it.
What topics can I write about?
We’re hoping to build a library of content about Freemasonry that is engaging, compelling, and accurate. In order to do this, we hope to invite contributors with different backgrounds and research interests to make our blog rich and varied.
Essentially, as long as your post is related to Freemasonry, we will consider publishing it on our site. To give you an idea, some of the topics you may consider writing about include:
- Masonic lodges – famous lodges, your membership of a specific lodge, etc.
- Masonic history – the practices of the medieval stonemasons, prominent Masons of the past, etc.
- Masonic symbolism – the importance of symbolism within Freemasonry, the use of tools within Masonic rituals, etc.
- Famous Freemasons – who are the most well-known Freemasons and what contribution did they make?
- Freemasonry and religion – Freemasonry’s misappropriation to Christianity, belief in the Grand Architect of the Universe, etc.
- Freemasonry in popular culture – How is Freemasonry represented in the news media and on social media platforms?
- Masonic values and beliefs – What are the core values of Freemasonry?
We’re particularly interested to hear from you if you would like to share your personal experiences of Freemasonry. This could include how you utilize your Masonic beliefs and values in everyday life. This could stem from your membership of a specific lodge, as brothers can take inspiration from your practice and use it to inform their Masonic journey.
We’re really keen to break down some of the misconceived stereotypical assumptions about Freemasonry, so encouraging people to read about what Masons actually do is appealing to us. Moreover, we’re keen to dispel as many myths about Freemasonry as possible, so we invite you to educate people about some of the most prevalent concepts within our society.
That being said, our goal is not to reveal the innermost secrets of Masonic teachings; simply, we want to offer our readers a concise and accurate spectrum of information regarding Freemasonry as a whole.
How do I qualify to write for Freemasons Community?
As has already been mentioned, we’re not looking for any type of writer in particular. We think that variety in style and tone is essential to have a successful and engaging blog.
That being said, should you wish to write for us, we ask that you:
- Are proficient in English and have a good command of spelling and grammar.
- Are well-read on Freemasonry and have a solid foundational understanding of our society. While you don’t necessarily have to be a Mason to contribute, we encourage full disclosure and transparency, so please don’t write under false credentials.
- Are willing to be contacted for comments by our community. We welcome comments from our members and readers, so if you write for us, we expect you to be willing to interact with your readers.
As well as these requirements, we also have a few ground rules for writing, which include:
- A minimum of 1000 words per article.
- No swearing or profanity.
- No affiliate links or promotion of your own products or services.
- No plagiarism. Please only submit original articles.
- We reserve the right to modify content and add images to your text.
How do I get in touch?
To get in touch with us and communicate your interest in writing for our blog, you can send an email to In your email, please let us know the following details:
- Your full name
- Your affiliation to a lodge or your position within Freemasonry
- Your topic of interest and potential title
- Any references you plan to use for your writing
- Links to your social media profiles and how we can contact you
- Any questions that you have
If you would prefer, you can contact us directly on our Facebook page by searching for @freemasonscom. Please like our page and submit a message, and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as we can.