Billy Graham: Freemason Or Not?
Billy Graham was an American preacher and evangelist who preached evangelical Christianity his whole life. He has been called “the most influential missionary since the days of Paul.”
He was born in 1918 in North Carolina, where he grew up poor on a dairy farm. Although he never graduated from college, he became known as a powerful orator and Bible teacher.
Starting with tent meetings in Los Angeles in 1949, Graham’s ministry expanded to include worldwide crusades that drew huge crowds.
Billy Graham also preached to many world leaders including Nikita Khrushchev, Queen Elizabeth II, Gianni Agnelli, Pope John Paul II, and Nelson Mandela.
When people think about Billy Graham today, they may not immediately think of the man who changed America and the world for Christ but rather an American icon who influenced generations of Americans.
But is Billy Graham a Freemason?
Billy Graham: Freemason Or Not?
When trying to decipher the origin of this rumor, one must ask if the photos showing awkward handshakes are really evidence for it. The answer is probably not, because as mentioned before, there are people that wish to remain anonymous and their actions can be difficult to explain.
Perhaps part of it was that photo of Billy Graham and Harry S. Truman shaking hands. Trumon was a very active Freemason before, during and after his Presidency, and he became the Past Grand Master in Missouri where he lived.

The rumor about Rev. Graham has persisted for years, however the truth is that Billy Graham is not a Freemason at all. He and his organization had released an email nearly 15 years ago made it extremely clear and addressing any concerns with regard to the rumor being spread
Subject: Freemason
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 97 11:23:21 -0500
From: (Don Kinde)
Thank you for your e-mail message. We understand your concern about rumors that Mr. Graham is in some way associated with Freemasonry. The reports are erroneous — though we continue to hear them. Mr. Graham is not, has not been and does not expect ever to be involved in Freemasonry. Your help in keeping the record as accurate as possible would be much appreciated.
Don Kinde
Christian Guidance Department
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
This should answer the question beyond a shadow of a doubt. Billy Graham wasn’t a Freemason.