What is Universal Co-Masonry?

You’ve probably heard of Universal Co-Masonry, but are you aware of what it is and how it differs from other Masonic orders? While the principles, values, and ethos of Universal Co-Masonry mirror those of Freemasonry more broadly speaking, there are several distinct features of the order that illuminate its differences.

Let’s take a look at Universal Co-Masonry in a little more detail and ascertain what is unique and interesting about this order of Freemasonry.

Universal Co-Masonry
Universal Co-Masonry

What is Universal Co-Masonry?

According to the definition presented on their website:

The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry, heir to the ancient traditions whose wise principles, moral force, and discipline it has maintained, has preserved the rules, discipline, and aim of Ancient Masonry. The Order practices the 1st to the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish, including the English Rite Degrees of the Mark, Royal Ark Mariner, and Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem.

When was Universal Co-Masonry established?

The American Federation of Human Rights was the first organization to create Universal Co-Masonry in North America. It was a subsidiary of Le Droit Humain, the world’s first Co-Masonic organization, which was established in Paris, France, in 1882.

In Charleroi, Pennsylvania, the American Federation of Human Rights, American Co-Masonry, organized its first masonic lodge, Alpha Lodge #301, in 1903. The company relocated its headquarters to Larkspur, Colorado in 1916 in order to be more geographically located and to create a retirement center for its elderly members.

How is Universal Co-Masonry different to other Masonic orders?

Rather than admitting only men, it accepts women on an equal footing. It declares equal rights for both men and women, as well as complete freedom of conscience. It requires the utmost tolerance from all of its members in order to ensure everyone’s unlimited freedom in their quest for Truth.

It avoids political and religious debates if they cannot be conducted with the required openness and moderation. It welcomes anyone who is upright, free, of legal age, with sound judgment and strict morality, regardless of their religious, philosophical, or political beliefs.

How do you join Universal Co-Masonry?

To join a Universal Co-Masonry lodge, the procedure is no different than joining any other Masonic lodge – you need to ask. Simply reach out and contact the Masonic lodge in your area and they will inform you about the requirements and application process. For more information about Universal Co-Masonry, you can visit their website by clicking here.