What Is A Masonic Lodge?
A Certain number of Freemasons who gather to work on a joint project by having authority from a warrant which comes from the Grand Lodge is called a Masonic Lodge.
A Lodge room can also be described as the furnished room where the Lodge meets to decide on important issues and keep the necessary activities running.
Things to know about Freemasonry
There are principles and protocols upon which the Lodge runs. Things that are kept secret and known to only those who matter consist of the following:
- passwords,
- grips,
- signs and
- the ritual,
Other things within the secret Lodge asides; these things have not necessarily kept a secret; they are only handled with seriousness to get things done as soon as they ought to be done.
For some who have not properly studied Freemasonry, there is the false notion that many things apart from the key points listed above ought to be kept a secret. So some Freemasons who have not properly learned the ways of Freemasonry make statements such as “If I tell you, I’d have to kill you”. There is nothing within Masonry about its members having to kill anyone. It is one of the core values of Freemasonry that every Mason tries to improve himself in order to honor and respect this God-given talent, so that he may be better able to assist his brother Masons and just so that he is able to dispense his duty appropriately.
Learn more:
What is Freemasonry?
Are Freemasons Satanic? And Myths Of Freemasonry
It is considered as “a drone in the hive of Nature” and unworthy of Masonic assistance if he decides not to give himself to self-improvement and help his fellow brothers. Knowledge for improvement of general wellbeing seems easy to come across these days, especially with the advent of the Internet and online book stores. It is relatively easy for modern Freemasons to archive as well as collects a lot of informative materials about Freemasonry and find its rightful place in their lives. Within another few short years, Freemasons who do not study might not be able to flow with the pace of others in their respective Lodges in the nearest future.
Types of Freemason Lodges
Regular Masonic Lodges
The Process by which individual Grand Lodges recognize one another and design a framework for interaction for the purposes of allowing formal interaction at the Grand Lodge level and visitation by members of other jurisdictions is called Regularity.
The largest collection of mutually recognized Grand Lodges derives its regularity from the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) based on a set of specific criteria. Dating back to 1717, UGLE is considered to be not only the oldest but the most extensive grouping of lodges. UGLE provides a list of recognized Grand Lodges on its website.
A “Clandestine” Lodge
A “clandestine lodge” can be described as the type of Lodge that does not hold a proper charter from any Grand lodge.
An “Irregular” Lodge?
An “irregular lodge” can be described as the type of Lodge that does have a charter from a Grand Lodge, but other Grand Lodges do not recognize its Grand lodge.
The Worshipful Master
What it all means: A Worshipful Master simply depicts a deity or one in authority who is held in honor and considered as an honorable man. It represents someone who is respected because of his faith’s depth and strength and his reliance on Deity.
Other Questions
A Now Deceased Relative of Mine Was a Freemason. How Can I Find Out More About His Masonic Affiliation?
You can start by contacting his Lodge to know the position he held as well as to be directed about what to do and how things should be handled. You can also ask for a contact number for the Grand Lodge in the state or country where your relative was a member.
Read more: How To Identify A Freemason?
Are All Members of Freemason Lodges Christian?
No. Masonry is not a religion. It merely teaches each member to be faithful to his conscience and his own chosen religion.
Most times, all that is required of a candidate is a belief in a Supreme Being.
Can Mormons Be Freemasons?
Yes. There is no rule within Freemasonry barring Mormons from becoming a Freemason. As a matter of fact, there are some Mormons who are Freemasons.
Can Catholics Be Freemasons?
Yes. The fraternity of Freemasonry embraces universality.
Sexual Preference
Can Gays Join a Masons Lodge?
Yes, however, Freemasonry is based on morality. However, it is subject to the discretion of each Lodge.
Evil, Domons, and Pertangrams
One of Freemasonry’s symbols is a 5 Pointed Star. Is it a Demonic Pentagram?
No. on the contrary.
Do Freemasons practice devil worship, animal sacrifices, or other such shocking acts?
No. They base their activities on the following:
- a belief in a Supreme Being,
- church affiliation and
- a desire to help others.
The necessary foundation underlying Freemasonry is morality.
Have you ever heard or read in any of the media of any shocking acts perpetrated by a Masonic lodge?
It is possible because different people can be perpetrators of different bad acts. Therefore it is possible that a Mason can be found in dark shades wreaking havoc with lives. However, the Masonic Lodge itself, nor the Grand Lodge under which the Lodge receives its charter, does not tolerate nor condone any un-Masonic conduct, including murder, treason, or heinous acts.
Freemasons are required to obey the moral law, the laws of their country, all regulations, and the established customs of the Fraternity.
Find a Masonic Lodge
How to Find A Masonic Lodge?
If you are in the United States or You want to find a Lodge there, here are the steps to follow:
- Search for “Fraternal Organizations” or “Lodges”.
- On the search engine, search for: “your state” + “Grand Lodge”, after which you look for a list of subordinate lodges in their jurisdiction which are close to you.
- peradventure you find a vehicle with a Masonic symbol on its bumper or tail light. You can decide to speak to its owner and ask other vital information about the Lodge, especially its Location.
List of Masonic Lodges
If you’re searching from other places other than the United States, here is what you can do:
- Go to the World Grand Lodges page.
- Look at your country’s Grand lodge website,
- Search for the list of subordinate lodges in their jurisdiction, which are near you.
How to Find A Masonic Lodge If You Are a Woman?
If you’re a woman and you want to find a Masonic Lodge near you, here is what to do:
- Go to my Women Freemasons page for contact information about women-only Masonic lodges and Co-Masonry.
- Call or e-mail your Grand Lodge and request information about a Masonic lodge near you if you can’t find any.
How To Find a Prince Hall Lodge?
If you desire to find a Prince hall Lodge, here is what to do:
Go to the World Grand Lodges page and click on the DMOZ.com and link to find a PHA lodge near you.
Become A Freemason
How To Become a Freemason?
The steps to becoming a Freemason can be found on this article: Become a Freemason
Can I Fill Out a Membership Petition on the Internet?
No. It is compulsory that you find a Lodge near you.
How To Become a Knights Templar?
You cannot become a knights Templar if you are not a Freemason. You have to follow these steps to become a Knight Templar:
- Become a Master Mason
- Begin pursuing the other degrees, of which Knights Templar is one of the Chivalric Orders within the York Rite of Freemasonry.
- In the United States, a requirement of membership in the York Rite is being a professed Christian.
Learn more: Freemasonry and The Knights Templar
How To Visit a Masonic Lodge?
- Go to the World Grand Lodges page.
- Look at your country’s Grand lodge website,
- Search for the list of subordinate lodges in their jurisdiction, which are near you.
- Once you have the phone number or an e-mail address, contact the Lodge nearest you and ask for a tour.
- Feel free to ask whatever questions you have at the time of your visit
How To Start a Masonic Lodge?
To start a Masonic Lodge, you need to read your Grand Lodge By-Laws the necessary steps to take to start a new Lodge.