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The Widow and The Craft

The Widow and The Craft

By  John T. Freeman This Short Talk Bulletin has been adapted from excerpts of a paper presented by John T Freeman, Secretary-Treasurer, Vancouver Masonic Service Bureau, at The 33rd biennial meeting of the Masonic Relief Association of The United States and…

Who Leads The Leader

by Alden H. Jones In 1973, at the 26th Annual Tri-State Confer-ence held in Portland, Oregonm, the Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Washington Pre-sented a paper entitled “How to Promote Effec-tive Leadership in Our Constituent Lodges.”  This…

Where Parallel Lines Intersect

By: Rev. Jan L. Beaderstadt, PM Bro. Jan L. Beaderstadt is a member and Past Master of Copper Country Lodge135, Hancock, Michigan; a member and present Junior Warden of Bowring Lodge414 of Standish, Michigan and Editor of the Michigan Masonic…

What Shall Masons Read

W.O. JUNBINS, M. D., GREENLAND, N. H. The Voice of Masonry 1880 ENTHUSIASTIC neophytes, after listening to the work and admonitions of Freemasonry, are confronted with the question: “What shall we read to thoroughly acquaint ourselves with the ethics of…

We Now Hold The Brother

Richard C. Friedman W. Bro. Ridchar Friedamn is a Past Master of E.R.A.C.  Lodge943, Rochester, N.Y. He authored the 12-90 STB “Brother Bring a Friend Night” which has proved to be one of the most popular and motivating STB’s put…

Visual Aids In Masonic Education

This Short Talk Bulletin has been adapted from a paper presented at the Northeast Conference on Masonic Education and Libraries in 1963 by the late Most Worshipful Brother Conrad Hahn, PGM, Connecticut and former Executive Secretary of The Masonic Service…

To Give Is To Receive

by Ill. C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33ø, Grand Secretary General The Supreme Council, A.& A.S.R., S.J. Anyone who has experienced a visit to a hospitalized friend can relate to the feelings express-ed in this Short Talk Bulletin. We thank Brother Kleinknecht…
To Exist Or To Live

To Exist Or To Live

(A matter of Lodge Leadership) This Short Talk Bulletin has been adapted from a pamphlet, issued by the Masonic Service Committee of the Grand Lodge of lowa, which was written by the late M. W. Brother Burton H. Saxton, P.G.M…

Three Scripture Readings

SHORT TALK BULLETIN – Vol.IX  December, 1931  No.12 by: Unknown In almost all of the Jurisdictions of the United States the Volume of the Scared Law is open at the 133rd Psalm in the First Degree, at the Seventh Chapter of…