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Three Scripture Readings

SHORT TALK BULLETIN – Vol.IX  December, 1931  No.12 by: Unknown In almost all of the Jurisdictions of the United States the Volume of the Scared Law is open at the 133rd Psalm in the First Degree, at the Seventh Chapter of…
Three Challenges

Three Challenges

A survey recently conducted in a member Jurisdiction of the Masonic Service Association of the United States asked the question “What is the most pressing problem facing the Craft today?” There were three predominant replies: MEMBERSHIP FINANCES LEADERSHIP These three…

They Lied on Their Knees

By William A. Carpenter R. W. Crand Moster of Pennsylvania This Short Talk Bulletin has been adapled from an article appearing in the August, 1984 issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason. It has been republished as a Short Talk Bulletin because…

The Symbolism On Our Lodge Officers

by Norman Senn, P.M. Mosaic Lodge176 Fiat Lux Lodge of Research1980 It is often said that symbolism is carried too far and this is difficult to deny when I think of Freud and other psychiatrists and psychologists who seem able…

The Reputation of The Fraternity

by: Unknown “To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity unsullied must be your constant care.” Every Master Mason is charged with that great duty.  Obviously it means the reputation of the Fraternity before the non-Masonic world.  That reputation is one…

“There Is No Royal Road to Geometry” Euclid

by Bro.  Garth Cochran, Calgary Lodge No. 23 Whereas a sound education has become essential to success in all areas of modern society and techniques of education have become increasingly sophisticated; And Whereas the aids to instruction, such as the…

The Pythagorean Tradition In Freemasonry

by Wor.Bro. The Rev. J. R. Cleland, M.A. D.D. Over the Gates of the ancient Temples of the Mysteries was written this injunction, “Man, Know Thyself”. It meant that each Candidate must try to contact that Inner Self which is…

The Plants And Animals Of Freemasonry

By Bro. Nigel D. Brown Bro. Brown wrote a paper for Quatuor Coronati Lodge2076 printed in Vol. 104, 1991 Transactions. This STB is extracted from the longer article. -Editor There are many reasons why a lodge has a particular name…