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The Perfect Cubit Masonic Legend Or Fable
by Lloyd U. Jefferson, P.G.M. DEDICATED To the loving memory of Reverend and Brother John Henry Powers in his earlier years a stone mason by trade, he founded the Powers Memorial Baptist Church, served with distinction on the Virginia State…
The Old Charges and What They Mean to Us
By Bro. H.L. HAYWOOD THE BUILDER SEPTEMBER 1923 I. WHAT THE OLD CHARGES ARE I have just come from reading an article in one of the more obscure Masonic periodicals in which an unknown brother lets go with this very…
The Mystic Tie
STB-OC40 October, 1940 Adieu! A heart-warm, fond adieu! Dear Brothers of the Mystic Tie Ye favored, ye enlightened few Companions of my social joy! The immortal verse of Robert Burns, written in his farewell to his brethren of St. James…
The Moral Teachings of Freemasonry
by J.S.M. Ward CHAPTER 1. “A peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” The above phrase is often quoted as if it supplied a complete and adequate definition of Freemasonry, but this is a mistake. It…
The Meaning And Purpose Of Freemasonry
“We must, then, demonstrate that ours is a Hierarchy of inspired, divine and deifying science, of efficacy and of consecration for those initiated with the initiation of the revelation derived from the hierarchical mysteries”. Dionysius Aeropagiticus, De Eccles. Hierarch, 1,…
The Masonic Medical Research Laboratory
one of “MASONRY’S WINDOWS TO THE WORLD” RW. and Dr. Charles Antzelevitch Executive Director and Director of Research R.W. Ronald P. Kamp Director of Development and Communication Freemasonry can and should be proud of its charitable good works. Many of…
The Lesson Taught by The Three Great Lights
The three chief symbols of the ancient Fraternity Masons were the Bible, Square and Compass. In the mediaeval lodge they were always to be found on the Master’s table, and were termed the “three great lights.” The old Lectures declare…
The Initiatic Symbolism of Freemasonry
by Thomas D. Worrel 32ø Freemasonry continues an initiatic tradition whose beginnings are lost in antiquity. This statement cannot be proven historically.Yet the more you study Masonic rites and its symbols, the more you become convinced that you are dealing…
The Importance: Of The Legend of Hiram Abiff
by Conrad Hahn, P.C.M. This Short Talk Bulletin has been adapted from a speech given by the late Most Worshipful Brother Conrad Hahn, in 1972, while serving as thc Ex-ecutive Secretary of the Masonic Servicc Associa-tion. The legend of “Hiram,…