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Freemasonry & The Knights Templar

The history of Freemasonry and the Knights Templar has long been the subject of fascination and speculation. These two groups share a rich and complex history, with their connections being both direct and indirect. This article will delve into the…

What Is Freemasonry: Exploring The Oldest Brotherhood

Have you ever wondered about the ancient society of Freemasons, shrouded in mystery and intrigue? With roots stretching back to the Middle Ages, Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and most extensive fraternal organizations. This article will reveal intriguing…
The Masonic Symbolism of the U.S. Capitol

The Masonic Symbolism of the U.S. Capitol

The US Capitol is not simply another governmental building. It is the spiritual center of the United States. Its structure, its art and its symbols all reveal the great importance of secret Fraternities in the shaping of the world most…
Famous Freemasons

Famous Freemasons (A – Z) – THE END

Q Quezon y Molina, Manuel Luis (1878-1944) – Quezon was the first President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935-1944) under U.S. occupation rule in the early period of the 20th century. Manuel Quezon was raised on 17 March 1908 in…

Famous Freemasons (A – Z) Continued

C Campbell, Sir Malcolm (1885-1948) – Malcolm Campbell started his career racing motorcycles but subsequently began hunting World Speed Records on land and on water, holding both records during the 1920s and 30s. At Bonneville Salt Flats in 1935, this English…

Famous Freemasons (A – Z)

Throughout history some members of the fraternity have made no secret of their involvement, while others have not made their membership public. Following is an abridged list of Freemasons, many of whom for various reasons have become household names. They…