How to Find a Masonic Lodge Near You?
Here are a list of all the grand Masonic Lodges that can help you can find a Masonic Lodge near you:
You can find these lodges by clicking on the links and it will lead to that specific Masonic lodge.
There might not be any grand lodge in the country you are living in, but there is a great chance of having the subordinate lodge in your country that is for the locals of the area.
This thing is basically true for the United Grand Lodge of England (U.G.L.E) and also for the lodge in Scotland.
Both of these grand lodges have many other subordinate lodges in many countries and they are operating well in those countries as well.
The websites of Grand Lodge
There are many Grand lodges that are providing links to the subordinate Masonic Lodges on their website so that people can easily find them without any hassle. If you are able to find the list of these subordinate lodges in your area, then you can contact the authorities directly.
In addition to that, there are many masonic lodges that might not be providing you with a website, and for this what you can do is to contact the closest Masonic Lodge and ask them for further details, and then you will be able to request them about getting all the information.
We have made a list of links for you of all the Masonic Lodges in your area so that you can get which one is closest to you. All you have to do is to check all the links if you are not able to find the one you are looking for.
Now when you are done with finding the one that best suits you and is near you, then you can click on it and can get more information on it.
On the Grand Lodge website, look for links that say:
“Masonic lodges”, Provincial lodges, Subordinate lodges or District lodges. Now you will be able to find all the information and also the contact information about that certain lodge.
What if you are not able to find the lodge, you can email or call the grand lodge in order to get all the details about lodges in your area, and then you can easily find the lodge near you.
As for the United States, you can easily find the lodge by looking in the Telephone book, where you will be able to find it under the “lodges” or “fraternities” section.
United Grand Lodge of England (U.G.L.E.)
- U.G.L.E. Provincial Grand Lodges – England and Wales – Provinces and District Grand Lodges under U.G.L.E. jurisdiction in England and Wales and around the world)
- DMOZ (Open Directory Project) – Grand Lodges Worldwide and the United States and Prince Hall Masonic Lodges
- Wikipedia: General List of Masonic Grand Lodges:
- M.I.T. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – World Grand Lodges
- Supreme Council, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Bulgaria – Grand Lodges Worldwide
- Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon – World Grand Lodges
- GL of Scotland: District Masonic Grand Lodges in different countries which are subordinate to the Grand Lodge of Scotland